General Awareness MCQ Set XI

(37)DHCP is mainly used to

(a) Routing

(b) Provide IP address automatically to the devices

(c) Multicasting

(d)Converting IP address to domain name

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Answer: b

(38)The chemical name of quick lime is

(a) Calcium oxide

(b) Calcium hydroxide

(c) Calcium carbonate

(d)Calcium chloride

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Answer: a

(39)Presence of excess fluorine in water causes

(a) Dental Cavity

(b) Fluorosis

(c) Respiratory disease

(d)Tooth Decay

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Answer: b

(40)Which one among the following  book is centered around ‘environment’ ?

(a) Silent Spring

(b) The Late ,Great Planet Earth

(c) And Then One Day

(d)Here I Stand

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Answer: a

(41)The first person ever to reach the South Pole was

(a) Peary

(b) Amundsen

(c) Amerigo Vespucci


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Answer: b

(42)The largest tea growing country in the World is

(a) China

(b) Sri Lanka

(c) Brazil


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Answer: a