General Intelligence Practice Set II


(a) cccbc

(b) bbbcc

(c) ccbcc


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Answer: a

Directions: In the following  3 questions , a series is given with one (or more) term missing .Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series:

(20)5, 10, 20, 40, 80,  ?

(a) 140

(b) 120

(c) 160


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Answer: c


(a) L250

(b) L25P

(c) K25P


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Answer: a

(22)5, 21, 57, ?, 221

(a) 108

(b) 96

(c) 126


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Answer: d

(23) Unscramble the following letters to frame a meaningful word, then find out the correct numerical position of the letters:

                   I  N  R  D  T  P  E  E  S

                  1  2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9

 (a) 637914825

(b) 639185251

(c) 756432189


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Answer: a

(24)X is elder than Z ,Y is ypunger than Z, Z is elder than W, W is younger than X,  who is the eldest?

(a) Y

(b) X

(c) Z


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Answer: b

Directions: Select the related letter/word/number from the given alternatives.

(25)Bee : Hive: :Dog: ?

(a) Nest

(b) Stable

(c) Coop


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Answer: d

(26)Star : Constellation: : Soldier: ?

(a) Regiment

(b) School

(c) Bravery


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Answer: a


(a) PONM

(b) VUTS

(c) TSRQ


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Answer: b