General Knowledge MCQ SET III

21) What is the alternative name for contour lines ?

(a) Isopoteneial

(b) Isohyet

(c) Istherm

(d) Isohypse

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Answer: d

22) Which of the following is not considered as  a Green House Gas ?

(a) Oxygen

(b) Methane

(c) Carbon Dioxide

(d) None of these

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Answer: a

23) Which one of the following is the first woman speaker of Pakistan’s National Assembly ?

(a) Hina Jilani

(b) Fahmida Mirza

© Fatima Begam

(d) Asma Jahangir

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Answer: b

24) Nepal has demanded the review of the Ondo-Nepal Friendship Treaty signed in

(a) 1953

(b) 1962

(c) 1950

(d) 1954

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Answer: c

25) NRI Day is observed on which of the following Day ?

(a) 26th March

(b) 10th Jan

(c) 9th Jan

(d) 15th July

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Answer: c