(21) ‘IC chips’ for computers are usually made of

(a) Silicon

(b) Chromium

(c) Gold

(d) Lead

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Answer: a

(22) In case of cardiac arrest, what should be the most primary step?

(a) Mouth to mouth respiration

(b) To cell a doctor

(c) Cardiac massage

(d) None of the above

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Answer: c

(23) Of the following commonly used materials, the one that is not an alloy is

(a) Steel

(b) Copper

(c) Brass

(d) Silver

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Answer: b

(24) Which of the following is not a parasite?

(a) Louse

(b) Housefly

(c) Mosquito

(d) Tick

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Answer: b

(25) In oil wells, oil, water and gas are present in the ascending order

(a) water, gas, oil

(b) oil, gas, water

(c) gas, oil, water

(d) water, oil, gas

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Answer: d

(26) What should be given to an athlete for instant energy?

(a) Protein

(b) Fat

(c) Carbohydrate

(d) Vitamin

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Answer: c

(27) We get energy directly from

(a) The sun

(b) Ocean

(c) Space

(d) Atmosphere

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Answer: a

(28) In which of the following industries is mica used as a raw material?

(a) Toys

(b) Electrical

(c) Iron and Steel

(d) Glass and Pottery

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Answer: b

(29) Which one of the following animals does not have a segmented body?

(a) earth worm

(b) Tape worm

(c) Glow worm

(d) Ship worm

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Answer: d

(30) Heart pumps only impure blood in case of

(a) Whale

(b) Lizard

(c) Shark

(d) Frog

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Answer: c