RRB Group D Practice Set – Eighteen

(11) Find the wrong number.

0, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 18, 24, 26, 35


(b) 24

(c) 35

(d) 0

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Answer: a

(12)        9              6              8

                5              8              4

                7              4              ?

                11           2              7


(b) 4

(c) 12

(d) 3

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Answer: d

(13) 122 : 170 : : : 290 : ?

(a) 654

(b) 238

(c) 362

(d) 487

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Answer: c

Directions (Q. 14 – 15) :Find the odd figure.

(14) (a) 94 – 7

(b) 35 – 5

(c) 42 – 6

(d) 56 – 8

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Answer: a

(15) (a) VTOJE




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Answer: b

(16) If the side of a square is increased by 25% , then how much % does its area get increased?

(a) 15.7

(b) 65.10

(c) 56.25

(d) 34.26

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Answer: c

(17) At what rate % per annum simple interest , will a sum of money triple itself in 25 yr?

(a) 45%

(b) 8%

(c) 13%

(d) 24%

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Answer: b

(18) If the volume of two cubes are in ratio 27 : 64 , then the ratio of their total surface area is

(a) 7 : 14

(b) 14 : 34

(c) 34 : 09

(d) 9 : 16

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Answer: d

Directions (Q. 19 -20) : Choose the opposite word.

(19) Restive

(a) confuse

(b) Placid

(c) Insolent

(d) Buoyant

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Answer: b

(20) Irascible

(a) Clever

(b) Kind

(c) Rougish

(d) Friendly

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Answer: b