General Science MCQ Set I

General Science MCQ Set I

1)The disease not transmitted by house fly is –

(a) Cholera

(b) Dengue fever

(c) Enteric fever

(d) Dysentery

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Answer: b

2) Which of the following is a substance abundantly available in the sea and administered in a certain deficiency disease ?

(a) Iron

(b) Flourine

(c) Iodine

(d) Vitamin A

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Answer: a

3) On chemicical analysis, a battle-cork is found to contain preliminary –

(a) Proteins

(b) Tannins

(c) Lipids

(d) Carbohydrates

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Answer: d

4) The rate at which the heart beats per minute in an adult averages –

(a) 60

(b) 84

(c) 72

(d) 95

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Answer: c

5) Which of the following is not an aquatic mammal ?

(a) Dugong

(b) Whale

(c) Marmot

(d) Dolphin

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Answer: c

6) Which of the following is most important for the growth of children up to the age of 14 ?

(a) Milk

(b) Protein

(c) Vitamins

(d) Fat

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Answer: b

7) The large part of most diet is made up of –

(a) Carbohydrates

(b) Lipids

(c) Nuclic Acid

(d) Proteins

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Answer: a

8) Jhum is –

(a) A folk dance

(b) A type of cultivation

(c) A name of a river valley

(d) A tribe

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Answer: b

9) A link between the living and non-living is provided by –

(a) Plankton

(b) Bacteria

(c) Viruses

(d) Vibrios

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Answer: c

10) The nature of salvia is –

(a) neutral

(b) basic

(c) amphoteric

(d) acidic

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Answer: d

11) Ampicillin is used as an –

(a) anti-inflammatory agent

(b) antibiotic

(c) anti-malarial

(d) anti-cancer agent

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Answer: b

12) Morphine is a drug under the classification –

(a) Narcotics

(b) Antibiotics

(c) Antiseptics

(d) Antimalarials

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Answer: a

13) Coke is produced from bituminous coal by –

(a) Substitution

(b) Synthesis

(c) Destructive Distillation

(d) Cracking

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Answer: c

14) Water for civil supplies is commonly purified by –

(a) Decantation

(b) Distillation

(c) Filtration

(d) Chlorination

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Answer: d

15) A type of water which does not lather easily is called –

(a) Mineral water

(b) Soft water

(c) Hard water

(d) Heavy water

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Answer: c

16) Ammonia is prepared commercially by the

(a) Contact process

(b) Haber process

(c) Hall process

(d) Oswald process

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Answer: b

17) Which of the following is sex determined by environment ?

(a) papaya

(b) bonnelia

(c) maize

(d) honey bee

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Answer: b

18) Hemophilia, a human disease, is caused by –

(a) mutant gene

(b) bacterial infection

(c) fungal infection

(d) viral infection

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Answer: a

19) The gland that contains the body’s thermostat is

(a) hypothalamus

(b) pituitary

(c) thyroid

(d) pineal

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Answer: a

20) The central rice research institute of India is located  at –

(a) Mysore

(b) Calcutta

(c) Cuttack

(d) Bangalore

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Answer: c

21) What should be given to an athlete for instant energy ?

(a) Protein

(b) Fat

(c) Vitamin

(d) Carbohydrates

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Answer: d

22) The bird without cloaca is the

(a) duck

(b) parrot

(c) pigeon

(d) None of the above

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Answer: d

23) Which of the following is not a parasite ?

(a) louse

(b) housefly

(c) tick

(d) mosquito

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Answer: b

24) The artificial kidney operates on the principle of

(a) Osmosis

(b) Active transport

(c) Dialysis

(d) Diffusion

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Answer: c

25) Which scientist was responsible for binomial nomenclature ?

(a) Darwin

(b) Hooker

(c) Watson and Crick

(d) De Robertis

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Answer: c