(11) A boat gets most easily rocked if it is

(a) Broad and heavy

(b) Narrow and heavy

(c) Narrow and light

(d) Broad and light

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Answer: c

(12) Powder clings to the skin because of

(a) Absorption

(b) Cohesion

(c) capillary action

(d) Adhesion

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Answer: d

(13) A device used to measure heights above sea level is known as

(a) Anemometer

(b) Dilatometer

(c) Potentiometer

(d) Altimeter

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Answer: d

(14) Sound travels fastest in

(a) iron

(b) water

(c) air

(d) vacuum

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Answer: a

(15) Out of the following which is the non-magnetic substance

(a) Cobalt

(b) Iron

(c) Copper

(d) Nickel

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Answer: c

(16) Lines of force due to earth’s horizontal magnetic field are

(a) Concentric circles

(b) Curved Lines

(c) Straight and Parallel

(d) Elliptical

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Answer: c

(17) For a given frequency the loudness is related to

(a) Speed

(b) Amplitude

(c) Wavelength

(d) None of the above

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Answer: b

(18) One can be recognized by one’s voice alone due to voice’s factor of

(a) Quality

(b) Pitch

(c) Amplitude

(d) Loudness

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Answer: a

(19) Under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, the velocity of sound is maximum in

(a) Helium

(b) Oxygen

(c) Argon

(d) Hydrogen

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Answer: d

(20) Darwin’s theory of nature selection involves :

(a) Competition

(b) Over reproduction

(c) Survival of the fittest

(d) All of these

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Answer: d